This is the home page for my work as a student enrolled in Napa Valley College's Broadcast Television Engineering Technology (BTV) program. I've been enrolled since the Fall, 2005 semester. I expect to complete the program at the end of the Spring, 2007 semester.
I moved photos off of this page onto this page in order to keep this more-frequently-accessed page smaller.
Today (October 19, 2006), two reporters from the CBS affiliate station in Sacramento visited the BTV program and made a news video on the program. They graciously also spent time with the students talking about their experiences in broadcast television reporting.
I'm putting files associated with the work I'm doing with software development in the BTV program here.
I'm putting notes I take in BTV classes here.
I'm putting the work done toward RTS Intercom Project here.
I'm putting the work done toward the monitor maintenance project here.
I'm putting the work done toward team homework here.
I've moved all information on the BTV outreach video. Here's the new location for the BTV outreach video.
Information on operating the video server appears on another page.
Here is the list of tasks necessary to perform in order to shutdown and close the studio.
The BTV studio has a linear video editing station based on the following components:
Here's links to the documentation on system components and interconnections, in various formats.
Sony Linear Edit Station - HTML (exported from Open Office 2.0)
Sony Linear Edit Station - Microsoft Word format
Sony Linear Edit Station - Open Office 2.0 Open Document format
Sony Linear Edit Station - PDF
The tour is on Thursday, January 12, 2006. It consists of the following visits:
KQED is located at 2601 Mariposa Street (at Bryant). Bay Area Video Coalition is located at 2727 Mariposa Street, 2nd Floor. SBC Park is located at 24 Willie Mays Plaza. The above addresses are links to contact/direction pages on the web sites of the respective organizations.
You really should contact me to let me know that you are actually attending, so that we can coordinate carpooling and information sharing.
I'm building a description and outline of the UNIX class, which I'm calling UNIX for Broadcast Engineers.
Here's links to the studio design proposal. The only (!) thing I forgot to include was room for distribution (transmitters and antennas for broadcast, servers for Internet distribution).
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